How to fix keyboard keys being reversed on any PC


The best method to fix a computer keyboard with reversed characters in easy steps.

How to fix PC keyboard key reversal


Computer challenges will always be there due to misconfiguration or bad drivers. Even though when hardware misbehave the most culprit is perceived to be the drivers. In reality the drivers have no play in certain problems on our computers. Simple things can cause the biggest problems especially when things just don’t work or do what they supposed to do. A keyboard is an important hardware on any PC and when it starts typing wrong things doesn’t feel good.


This symbol @ is very important when typing documents or dealing with emails and most keyboards misbehave. The @ symbol is sometimes reversed with this symbol “ and making typing difficult and unusual. Most users are probably facing the same issue and with no idea on how to fix it while tried driver updates and tricks. This is not a big issue if you know where to adjust, the problem is with Windows configurations which are default and sometimes working fine from start then suddenly changes without your knowledge.


The problem is the keyboard language set for the computer because most computers by default comes with English (United Kingdom) as the default language. This suddenly changes the keyboard layout where @ is reversed for “ on the keyboard. This makes pressing Shift+ 2 not print @ but “ symbol. To fix this issue then you need to change the keyboard language to English (United States). Doing that fix the reversal instantly without problems. So you can see how simple it is to fix such a frustrating issue about the keyboard. Many users have encountered the issue including myself. At some point I had to rely on the character map to insert the @ symbol manually because I was unaware how to overcome this problem. I hope this solution will work for other users who encountered the same issue on the computers.



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